As we indicated last week, we are revisiting powerful words from individuals involved with Procovery. Last week we brought you feedback from inspiring individuals with lived experience and expertise. This week we are pleased to bring you Part II with words from Agency Administrators:

“Procovery has been an integral component of Self Help Center programming since its beginning in Missouri. Procovery is a program that achieves real change through accountability, inspiration, and support. Procovery’s tools, technology, and collaborative opportunities allow for us to create meaningful change, together. Procovery Institute’s MUSIC HEALS events are a wonderful and inspiring addition to an already engaging, innovative, and comprehensive program that brings hope into the lives of individuals in need. “

– Nancy Bollinger, CMPS, Executive Director, Self Help Center, St. Louis, Missouri

“Healthcare reform needs to be about much more than an improvement in fiscal management — we need to fundamentally change the way we do business. I have never seen a more effective or transformational program. Procovery’s ability to engage and inspire, as well as to provide direction and tools to community agencies who are often working hard to remain cutting edge, while struggling simply to survive, is something the entire nation should stand up and pay attention to. Procovery has the power and the ability to transform not only lives, but agencies and organizations and Procovery Institute’s MUSIC HEALS events lift people up, inspire and engage them AND remind them why they chose to do this work in the first place!”

-Dora Cole, Director Community Service Operations, MO DMH CPS Division (Retired), Poplar Bluff, MO

“Procovery Institute’s implementation structure drives the building of communities, partnerships and collaborations more effectively than anything I have ever seen. I can not recommend Procovery or the newest program component, MUSIC HEALS, highly enough. “

-William Flynn, MD

“NAMI SW MO was an early, and remains an ongoing, supporter of Procovery in Missouri. We have had many cross-state trips to Procovery trainings, monthly meetings and events over the years and were able to see the program and the events evolve and grow. Procovery Institute’s MUSIC HEALS events are like everything else related to Procovery — inspiring, enjoyable, innovative, entertaining and professional. The Procovery program and MUSIC HEALS events are vital and powerful programs that can propel us forward, not just in our own healing or the healing of others, but in life!”

-Lisa Goin, Director of The Hope Center, NAMI SWMO, Springfield, MO

“Procovery provides a vehicle to lift not just the conversation about healthcare reform to the level it needs to be, but a proven and practical vehicle to lift the level of care we provide to where it should be.”

-Lee Jones, MD, Director of Academic Services, UC Davis School of Medicine, Davis, CA

“Procovery Institute should be a guiding force in current health care reform efforts. As a direct result of Procovery at the Amanda Luckett Murphy Hopewell Center in St. Louis, we have seen miracles realized as an expected outcome of our weekly Procovery Circles. It is difficult to believe that one program, working within the constraints of the current system, can offer and deliver so much, yet a listing of some of the outcomes we have seen would include–

· Reduction in hospitalization

· Reduction in clinical mental health service use

· Reduction in substance use and abuse

· Increased access to care

· Improvement in coordination of care

· Improvement in customer satisfaction

· Improvement in integration of co-occuring diagnoses (i.e. mental, physical, addiction, trauma)

· Increase in personal motivation

· Increase in satisfaction with purpose/hope in personal life

· Improvement in quality of life

· Improvement in personal relationships

· Increase in movement to independent housing situation

· Increase in movement to employment

· Increase in movement to volunteer activity

· Increase in interest in leading ITP (Individual Treatment Plan)

· Increase in literacy

· Improvement in medication management

· Improvement in self care

· Improvement in problem solving skills

· Improvement in communication skills

· Improvement in self advocacy skills

· Reduction in internal stigma

Procovery is proven, innovative, sustainable and inspiring for those receiving care and those delivering it.”

-Dr. Amanda Luckett Murphy, Amanda Luckett Murphy Hopewell Center, St. Louis, MO

“What strikes me about Procovery is it’s steadfast focus on the future and how people need to take responsibility for their own wellness. As such, Procovery I think, has the potential to be a major force in the healthcare reform efforts of people with severe and persistent mental illnesses and the providers who serve them. We’re all looking for a way to encourage people to make changes in their lives and I think Procovery is one of the best tools available to actually do that.”

-Dave Pilon, Ph.D., President and CEO, Mental Health America of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA

Please stay tuned for next week’s Part III with words from Staff Facilitators! We hope you are all enjoying the week and staying warm!

Until next time…

Procovery Institute