Procovery Circle Facilitator Featured on New Radio Show!

Hello Everyone!

We are very excited to have the opportunity to share with you about an informative new radio show which will feature a segment with Procovery Circle Facilitator Gary Gougis from Los Angeles County!

The “Free Your Mind Projects Radio Show” airs on Sunday mornings at 7:30AM PDT on KTLK AM1150. Tomorrow’s segment will feature longtime Procovery Circle Facilitator and Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Community Worker, Gary Gougis! The radio show can be streamed live at or, If you miss the broadcast, you can also catch the podcast on the Free Your Mind Projects Web site, Just click on the upper right and then on the latest show.

Also, we are so appreciative of the wonderful feedback we are getting on our blog, and will soon be expanding our topics. We will still write about hope, always. But we will also begin to write about many other topics as well. Thank you for your ongoing interest and support!

Have a wonderful Saturday and check back tomorrow for Day 19 of our Rekindling Hope: Making Hope a Priority blog series!

Until next time…

Procovery Institute

Day 4 – Making Hope a Priority!

We hope you had a wonderful weekend and were able to take some time to think about all of the hope questions including what makes you feel hopeful!

We are back today with question #4 – Who gives you hope?

And please remember, if you do not, at this time, feel you have a personal relationship with anyone who gives you hope, you can select people you do not know. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, your favorite poet or author. List any one you can think of, who gives you hope, whether or not you personally know them!

We encourage you to take some time to reflect on this and really think about the answer, as our answers to these questions can often be an automatic response, but in reality, the answers often change over time and it can be important to really think about it.

We also encourage you to Click here and listen to a very powerful and inspiring response to this question from Procovery Circle Facilitator Stephanie Schmidt, in St. Louis MO.

Happy Tuesday everyone! See you tomorrow…